There are a few trails with questionable names around here
It’s nearly Friday! So let’s do some tee-hee-hee-ing, shall we?
I posted this photo of a well-known local trail (Severed D) on Twitter this week, and it got a pretty funny reaction. It made me think there must be a bunch of others out there! What are some outrageous, inappropriate, or ridiculous trail names you have encountered?
A new trail on the Finlayson race course in Victoria, BC was set-up after the Bear Mountain resort located next to the park stopped trail runners using the trails to get around Mt Finlayson as they were on the resort's land, even though a lot of them had been created by volunteers.
The new trail (located inside the park boundaries) is called FUBM...
I feel Scotland is seriously lacking in the Naming Trails department. Best I can do is names of Mountain Bike trails: we had Ditch Witch a while ago which caused a few laughs. And I recall a set of mountain bike trails in Wales that were named after Tony The Tiger from the breakfast cereal Frosties. I lament at the lack of named running trails over here. 😔
To be fair Gail, this trail pictured is originally a MTB trail as well. Thankfully it's mixed use these days! There are a few trails that are still MTB only, but most are mixed. Gotta be careful and share the trail accordingly :)
A new trail on the Finlayson race course in Victoria, BC was set-up after the Bear Mountain resort located next to the park stopped trail runners using the trails to get around Mt Finlayson as they were on the resort's land, even though a lot of them had been created by volunteers.
The new trail (located inside the park boundaries) is called FUBM...
Not so subtle :) I love it! Thanks for sharing Mark!
But did you know the trail parallel to Severed D is called C Buster? The female “equivalent” 😜
I was hoping somebody else would mention that one!
Those two get me every time... Thanks for chiming in Jeannine!
I feel Scotland is seriously lacking in the Naming Trails department. Best I can do is names of Mountain Bike trails: we had Ditch Witch a while ago which caused a few laughs. And I recall a set of mountain bike trails in Wales that were named after Tony The Tiger from the breakfast cereal Frosties. I lament at the lack of named running trails over here. 😔
To be fair Gail, this trail pictured is originally a MTB trail as well. Thankfully it's mixed use these days! There are a few trails that are still MTB only, but most are mixed. Gotta be careful and share the trail accordingly :)
Lost Dog Wash (Scottsdale, AZ) where there was a sign for a missing dog posted a few years ago. Funny not funny.
Funny, not funny indeed!
Thank you for sharing Amie :)