Addie Bracy is a Mental Performance Consultant, and so much more. She’s a professional runner, she’s a cofounder for OUTrun which connects and supports LGBTQ+ individuals, she is a Runners Alliance ambassador, which highlights harassment on the trails, and she’s the author of “Mental training for ultra running”.
She was kind enough to join me on the podcast and talk about how she got to where she is today and we even got to a listener's question from Twitter. It was a great chat and I think you will enjoy everything she had to say! She is really excited about getting to share what she has learned and make it accessible.
“My main goal was to make that information very accessible. The book was mainly the first project I did after school. I want this to be distributed as much as it can be. So that's been kind of the motive the last few years.”
“I think sometimes people just want to not have those negative thoughts and they think that if they do, then, okay, well, I'm having this negative thought about this situation and it kind of spirals from there. Obviously, it's hard to come back from that, but in reality that's normal.”
Here you can follow Addie’s Instagram and Twitter pages.
Her personal practice is Strive Mental Performance and her run coaching is Sharman Ultra Coaching.
Her insight into mental performance is really fun to listen to. She’s been featured on many other podcasts and you may end up going down the rabbit hole to find more!
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