“A huge part of the newsletter is me finding interesting stories in the running world and, talking to them, and seeing what's up, and getting insights from them because there's some super interesting people in the running world.”
Raziq Rauf has fun with his writing. It’s clear from the name of his publication “Running Sucks”, but it’s also clear in the way he covers the sport. His writing is fun, but it also resonates. He finds great subjects and the joy he has telling their story comes through in his writing in a wonderful way. I was super excited to have him on the podcast to chat about his Running Sucks life and it was great to get some insight from him.
“It sucks in the moment. I talk about running sucking in the moment. I think everybody, when they finish a run after the fact, they're really pleased that they did it. It's very rare for someone to regret having run, but in the moment, running sucks. And a big part of the newsletter is finding ways of and showing other people ways of making running suck less.”
You will enjoy following and subscribing to Raziq’s Running Sucks, so get over there and do it.
Year 3 begins
It’s hard to believe we are beginning year 3, but here we go. As always, I have to thank you all for the amazing support you’ve shown. It’s a privilege to hang out with you all every two weeks and it’s something I don’t take for granted. Thank you all for being here. And of course, a massive thank you to Francisco, Roslyn, and Sabrina for putting your hard-earned dollars into this. You’re amazing.
Let me know what you think of the latest music track.
And want a comical throwback? Here is episode 2 (the first with a guest). My guest was awesome and I’m happy I’ve grown since ;)
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Music by Paolo Argentino from Pixabay
If you enjoy this podcast, I would really appreciate it if you could like, share, subscribe, or comment! I’m trying to make this the best trail running podcast it can be and I certainly appreciate your time. Thank you all and happy trails :)
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