We know from last week with BC AdventureSmart Executive Director Sandra Riches that when we adventure into the backcountry, there is a basic checklist we should take care of:
"We want you to follow our three T’S. We want you to trip plan, train, and take those essentials with you.”
Sandra continues the conversation this week and gets into some winter-specific tips for those adventures. She tells us about Avalanche Canada, an “industry cousin” that provides incredible winter/avalanche education and she also tells us what to expect from BC AdventureSmart in the coming months as we finish our conversation from last week. This will help explain her enjoyment of the “current” weather in the interview. Things change fast, don’t they?
Sandra was a fantastic guest and I’m grateful for all the great information she passed along. BC Search and Rescue Association is a great follow on Twitter and that is how I was able to connect with Sandra, so check out the profile! AdventureSmart is an excellent resource with trail-running-specific tips, but also tips for any other outdoor activity you may be participating in where Search And Rescue may be deployed.
SAR is entirely volunteer, and we are incredibly fortunate to have them so that we can play out there. They risk their lives for us to play and that’s pretty damn awesome. If there is anything we can all do to make sure they get called out as infrequently as possible, we should.
“We hope, we say this respectfully, that you never see any of those 3000 volunteers. Ideally, they don't want to meet you. You don't want to meet them in the best-case scenario. However, they're great people, don't get me wrong. You do want to meet them in another sense because they're amazing and trained and skilled and highly professional. Unpaid professionals.”
Thank you SAR volunteers everywhere!
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