It’s fun to preview The Trail Running Film Festival here at CTR and today we continue the fun chatting with Candice Burt and David D’Angelo of “Halfway to Crazy”. It’s great to hear some of the challenges that they faced and I love hearing from all the filmmakers about what goes into making these features that we enjoy watching with each other so much! We’re going to have a great time gathering for the tour this year because of these great films and I can’t wait to hang out with a bunch of you myself to watch all of them!
What happens when you push your body to try and run 60+ miles a day, over and over again? Ultra runner Candice Burt finds out as she attempts the fastest time on the entire length of the 800 mile Arizona Trail.
This journey ends up being not so much about the record, but what happens when things start to fall apart as she pushes her body to the edges of what’s physically and mentally possible. Follow along as Candice explores the depths of her mind, and ultimately the meaning of success.
We will continue to have these great filmmakers on all week long so stay tuned! Get over to for your tickets now so you don’t miss out on the party!
Yesterday we started coverage with Matt Green:
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Music by Paolo Argentino from Pixabay
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