Just a quick one today to let you all know about a guest appearance I made on the DizRuns Radio podcast. Denny Krahe is a running coach and podcaster from Florida and he and I had the chance to chat and tell him a bit about myself and what I’ve been up to over here at CTR. It’s episode #1150 for Diz, how wild and impressive is that?!
I’m copying the article Denny posted on his site below, but make sure you get over to his page to check out everything and subscribe :)
Adam Lee Is Making His Mark With Community Trail Running
Today’s guest is a fellow running podcaster, so I have no doubt we will have plenty to talk about.
Who knows where this conversation will take us, but I’m excited to find out.
I look forward to going a few easy miles today with Adam Lee.
A Free Race Entry
Adam Lee has always been athletic and enjoys pretty much any activity.
His journey with running really began when he was offered free entry into a nearby half marathon.
Adam resides in Canada and in 2009 he moved from Ontario to Vancouver.
He was working at a local television station that sponsored local races.
The station would frequently offer free race entries to their employees.
Adam wasn’t running then, but he couldn’t pass up a challenge and the chance to meet others.
Training went well and Adam completed his first half marathon in his late 20s.
Chasing Times
It didn’t take Adam long to begin chasing race times.
For his first half, he had set a goal to break two hours and narrowly missed it.
Adam was motivated to see how much faster he could get.
Eventually, he was able to get his PR down to 1 hour and 37 minutes.
Adam didn’t venture off the roads until about 4 to 5 years into his running.
Once he experienced trail running he was hooked.
Participants in trail races are all there for one reason and that’s to enjoy the trails.
Adam has found that egos on the trail are rare because there is always someone that is better.
Squamish 50/50
The road to the first ultra Adam would run was a long one.
In 2016, Adam returned to school to further his education and it took him 5 years to earn his degree.
He found that once he no longer had to focus on his studies he had a lot of extra time.
Initially, he wanted to train for a 100k race, but it was canceled due to covid.
Adam decided to hire a coach and the coach happened to also be the race director for a popular race.
The Squamish 50/50 is one of the many distances offered.
Participants signed up for the 50/50 complete 50 miles on Saturday and a 50k on Sunday.
Race weekend was quite possibly the rainiest on record, but Adam had prepared so well that he felt great throughout the weekend.
Running Is A Privilege
The reason that Adam chose to hire a coach is that he knew he needed guidance to go longer.
His coach quickly pointed out that he wasn’t taking in adequate fuel.
Along with the help on the nutrition side, they also guided his training along the way.
Adam had a few long training runs that didn’t go according to plan, but he used those as learning experiences.
The biggest advantage of having coaches according to Adam is they gave him flexibility with his training.
After all the hard months of training, Adam realized that running truly is a privilege.
Runners choose to do the sport, so why not embrace it?
Community Trail Running
Adam chose to cut back on races and running the year after completing the 50/50.
With all the free time he had, Adam wound up filling it with a new endeavor.
He had always enjoyed writing and being creative, so it made sense to venture into podcasting and newsletters.
With his background in television production, Adam was quite comfortable with the editing process.
Adam has found that he loves to talk with others and learn from them.
What makes his podcast unique is that he typically keeps them short and to the point.
On average, his podcasts tend to be 15 minutes or less.
His opportunities are happening organically and allow him to be more involved in the running community.
Mentioned In This Episode:
Stay connected to Adam Lee by following him on Instagram and/or Twitter.
Great profile, Adam!